Durable Design Director Angela Wolak will be presenting at Sitecore Symposium 2019: Human Connections in a Digital World in Orlando, Florida. Angela’s talk, “Demystifying accessibility: Why you need to create an inclusive Sitecore experience and how to get started” will address the benefits—and challenges—of achieving web accessibility.
Today, it’s understood that embracing diversity and inclusion is not only the right thing to do but makes good business sense. Boston Consulting Group reports that 96-98% of large companies have diversity and inclusion programs, yet the challenges facing people with disabilities are often overlooked in this context. When a company’s face to the world—its website—is unusable by people with disabilities, it not only exposes a company to legal challenges but also has the potential to damage its brand.
Given the risks, why do so many companies struggle to achieve web accessibility best practices? Part of the challenge is that product owners, developers, designers, and content creators all need to understand different aspects of how accessibility affects their work. Angela’s talk will clarify responsibilities by role and provide practical advice on how to get everyone on the same page.
If you’re attending Symposium this year, be sure to attend Angela’s talk on Tuesday, November 5th at 2:35 p.m. in Southern Hemisphere IV & V (Dolphin).
Find the slides from the session and other resources here.